My website mainly consists of posts concerning my hobbies. To get a quick overview of my model railway activities, there are the following informative pages.
Those steamy things pulling the trains.
Rolling Stock
All which is coupled behind the locos.
They provide atmosphere and raison d’être.
All movable objects which I employ during operations.
My own garden layout didn’t get past the construction phase and was deconstructed. This will not change for a while. I explained my reasons in a post concerning new priorities. In the meantime I’m rolling on snap track or on my friends’ or family’s layouts.
How it all began
Christmas 1986 saw the first LGB train making its rounds in the living room. Since then, my father has anchored this hobby in my family, there were times when every child had its own sets of trains and the garden railway following swiftly only ever grew larger.

During the 1990’s I started constructing from scratch with my oldest friend, alas no pictures of those survived.
However, there were some experiments in other gauges, at least one layout in gauge N evolved into a somewhat operatable status. I was particularly proud of the security fence, made from pins and fly screen…

It won’t come as a surprise that railways and especially garden railways have always been some part of my life.

When my parents moved in 2009, the basis for this fascinating, but costly hobby was placed out of my reach. Only as recently as 2014 I found the leisure to reengage in model railways, this time focusing on scratch building.