After a very, very long time, weather, opportunity and motivation converged into a picture.

Concerning Hobbies
And yet full of life
Picture 99 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
Nothing going on
Picture 95 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
Yes, it is spring indeed
Picture 97 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
Life is short – one better leads a meaningful one
Picture 96 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
Work on the track foundations proceeds
Picture 95 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
He strikes out of nowhere…
Picture 94 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
My small contribution to slow the global warming
Picture 93 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
My wife’s bicycle – standing by for the next working day to begin
Picture 92 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.
When if not today?
Picture 91 of 100 on the road to the prime lens.