This time, believe it or not, we’ve had three battery-powered units in service, most of the time each had its own operator, too. Alas, the weather didn’t play along all the time, so a spontaneous layout extension was realized at the roofed porch. My No.1 braved the rain several times and did quite well. The encapsulated electronics really pay for themselves.
Again, during this operation session I could gain experience with the truck-mounted couplers and I’m pleased to find them quite an improvement. Furthermore, new ways were tried to keep the fire burning below the boiler…

The new loading ramp didn’t see as much action as I’d hoped, but it proved to be robust and added a touch of atmosphere. Taken as a whole my resolve is strengthened that it won’t suffice in the long run, to only have some locos and waggons. Nevertheless, staying true to my current principles, I’ll continue to avoid spreading myself too thin, so in doubt I’ll refrain to “less is more”.

I’m very happy with the way this operation session turned out. We had a lot of fun and I could continue to learn important lessons. Next time, we will meet at my place. Of course, there’s no layout, so I guess we will run on snap track and have a good workshop time. Time will tell…