New Project: Aerial Footage

The EasyGlider in its element.
The EasyGlider in its element.

Alright, you got me: I’m talking about more than just aerial photography, but about footage made from the ground, too. But first things first.

As I’ve already outlined, I’m an active R/C pilot again since august 2018 and I’ve started to scratch-build a biplane in 2019, too. I ‘ve managed to post about the latter over the last few months and I do hope that some readers had fun reading those posts and maybe could even learn something useful from it.

However, the flying season is about to kick off in earnest. Of course, I want to fly and at the latest after the biplane is finished, I (hopefully!) won’t spend much time in the workshop. So what to post about here?

I’ve always took relish in taking photos of my model flying activities, or have them taken. At first with analogue cameras, then with digital ones. And now I’d like and try to create videos to provide them here.

Produktbild RunCam 5 Orange. Quelle:
Produktbild RunCam 5 Orange. Quelle:

To that end I’ve ordered an action cam, namely the RunCam 5 Orange. The “Orange” is of importance, since compared to the black RunCam 5 there has been some improvement. As soon as it arrives, I will make a mounting to fix it to model airplanes. And of course I’m going to find out what else this camera is good for. I’m thinking about ride-along-shots with my model trains and such things.

It took me several days to find the most promising camera model. In the beginning I thought along the lines of a classic action cam. However, quite soon I grew unsatisfied with the dimensions which result in a great front surface and thus in high drag. There are a few models in tubular shape, but those aren’t abreast with the technical development. I couldn’t come to terms with the assymetrical placement of the objective on usual action cams, either.

Finally, most action cams have got quite a lot of engineering built in which I won’t have a use for; I won’t look onto some display during flights and a handwrist remote control for the action cam with about 10 metres of range won’t be that useful for an r/c pilot, either… So I ended up with companies who have spezialized in the R/C camera sector. And because of that the RunCam 5 only weighs half compared to a similar Action Cam with display and bells and whistles.

Anyway I hope that this pretty little gadget will provide material to put on my website during the flying season. In any case I will report back as soon as the parcel has arrived.

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