Now that I’ve finally got more time for my hobbies, I’m granting myself an old wish: a pure glider. After much to and fro, I’ve decided on the Spin made by Skyglide (german website).
For years I wanted to have another glider. And it was always about a bigger model with more functions. Possible candidates were the Thermy 4 by Wolfgang Werlich and the Ka8b by Achim Kleinegees. With the Thermy I obsessed on unachievable Scale wishes and the Ka8b hat to paused due to lack of time.
And so I deliberately went the exact opposite way: a small functional model as a kit with reasonable features. The Spin is side-arm-launched (SAL) and with its low weight can easily hunt for thermals from an initial altitude of 20 to 40 meters. This video by Skyglide demonstrates how this could look like:
Of course one could have full-out on the minimalistic approach with a glider which lacks ailerons. However with the EasyGlider I’ve come to appreciate the opportunity to camber the wings and have an airbreak at hand, two things that I don’t want to miss anymore.
Order and delivery were straightforward and fast, the kit is delivered as a well-protected cardboard box and contains the laser-cut sheets of plywood and balsa wood, all necesarry carbon fibre pipes and rods and all linkage parts. The manufacturer holds the promise that the only things needed to complete the kit are covering foil, R/C equipment and glue. A parallel order at the Himmlischer Höllein provided those and so next time I can already tell about the beginning of the construction.